Delivery of parcels from Ukraine with postpayment to America

Order a parcel from Ukraine to the USA quickly and conveniently, pay upon receipt


Delivery times
from 11 working days

Delivery guarantee

Courier delivery

Support service

Parcel tracking

Insurance within the declared value of the parcel

Ship from a branch near your home or office

Rates for international delivery services
Sender's country
Recipient's country

Create Parcel

Date of completion: 2025-01-23

1 Information of the sender in Ukraine


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Only latin letters allowed

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Only latin letters allowed

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Only latin letters allowed

This field is required

Only latin letters allowed

Only latin letters allowed

Only latin letters allowed

This field is required

Only latin letters allowed


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Only latin letters allowed

This field is required

Only latin letters allowed

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Email is not valid

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Phone is not valid

Only latin letters allowed

All data in this block can be filled in Latin letters

You have successfully created a package


Track your package on the tracking page

Restrictions apply when sending a parcel to the USA

up to 30 kg

Maximum physical weight

120 x 60 x 60 sm

Maximum dimensions of the box

up to 65 kg

Maximum volumetric weight

up to $800

Customs limit for one parcel

To the door

Type of delivery

11-17 days

Delivery times

up to 30 kg

Maximum physical weight

120 x 60 x 60 sm

Maximum dimensions of the box

up to 65 kg

Maximum volumetric weight

up to $800

Customs limit for one parcel

To the door

Type of delivery

11-17 days

Delivery times

Your parcel flow

Recipient in the USA

creates a declaration on the website

Recipient in the USA

transfers the declaration number to the sender in Ukraine

Your parcel flow

sender is in Ukraine

drops off the parcel at the branch

Recipient in the USA

pays for the parcel upon receipt

Questions and Answers